My favorite chapter in the book LESSONS IN TRUTH, is chapter #6 on Faith. That chapter is underlined, starred, and dog eared. When I need a faith boost I turn to chapter # 6 and am comforted by rereading and remembering the laws of Spirit that never change, the principles of Truth stand solid and firm. Upon rereading that chapter, I can relax and know that God is working behind the scenes on my behalf. So today’s lesson is taken directly out of the book LESSONS IN TRUTH, chapter #6.
“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
“What is seen was made from things that are not visible.”
---Hebrews 11:3
1. God the invisible substance out of which all things are formed, is all around us waiting to come forth into manifestation.
2. One of the unerring Truths of the Universe, is that there is already provided a lavish abundance for every human want. In other words the supply of every good always awaits the demand. Another Trut is that the demand must be made before the supply can come forth to fill it. To recognize these two statements of Truth and to affirm them are the whole secret of understanding faith---faith based on principle.
3. Asking springs from desire to possess some good. What is desire? Desire in the heart is always God tapping on the door of your consciousness with His infinite supply---a supply that is forever useless unless there is a demand for it.
“Before they call I will answer.”
---Isaiah 65:24
Before you are ever conscious of any lack, of any desire for more happiness, or for fullness of joy, the great Father-Mother heart has desired them for you.
4. Desire in heart for anything is God’s sure promise sent beforehand to indicate that it is yours already in the limitless realm of supply, and whatever you want you can have for the taking.
5. Begin and continue to rejoice and thank Him that you have (not will have) the desires of your heart, never losing sight of the fact that the desire is the thing itself in incipiency. If the good were not already yours in the invisible realm of supply, you could not, by any possibility, desire it.
“Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”
---Psalm 37:4
Shortcut---Supply and demand are equal.
Supply precedes demand.
Demand must be made.
Give thanks in advance.