About Nancy Norman
Rev. Nancy Norman was the founder of this ministry! She was ordained Unity minister noted speaker, workshop leader and author. Her thoughts on the principles of life and how to apply them, were published in Unity Magazine, New Thought Magazine, and Recovery Today Newspaper. Reverend Norman was a regular contributor for 10 years to the Sun-Sentinel newspaper and contributing author for Louise Hay’s book “Gratitude."
Nancy Norman was a native southern Californian. She lived for 15 years in Caracas, Venezuela and two years in Mexico City, Mexico before entering the ministry. She studied merchandising, fashion and theatre at Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri.
Because of her vision for this online ministry, her daughter Rev. Cathy Jean Norman has taken on the mantel to teach Unity Truth.
Nancy passed away October 4th 2024. And even though she has gone from our site her vision still lives! Nancy’s personal vision, “To empower people to realize their God-given potential,” has touched and enriched many lives. She inspires people to look beyond circumstances, to raise their vision, know what they want, have faith and expect the desired outcome to become a reality in their lives.
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”